Very odd issue - very urgent response needed please

Hi Guys

Not experienced this before using concrete (and used it on about ten sites thus far). For reasons i absolutely cannot explain the cms has suddenly started to freeze when i click a button like "edit page" for instance and nothing will happen unless i move the mouse.

I haven't altered anything and it was working absolutely fine. So basically the issue is none of the dashboard buttons do anything (regardless of the button) unless i move the mouse after clicking it.

Can anyone suggest what might cause that and/or where i should look in the cms files for a solution. Sounds like something has gone haywire with the jquery but i haven't added any custom jquery so i am at a loss to figure this out :/

Anyone help please as i have prepared a whole website for a client and can;t release it to them like this!

Any help would be very appreciated!

glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
Does this only happen on one computer?
Does this only happen in a certain browser?
If you change the site back to "Plain Yogurt" does it still happen?

When you say dashboard buttons, I assume you mean the bar at the top of the page? Not the actual dashboard?

In my experience most of these crazy "WTF" errors are directly related to a custom theme. Do a little trouble shooting and maybe you can narrow down the problem. Look for things like duplicate ids, common class names that might be shared with concrete5, any extra javascript that is loading via themes or even blocks.

Also wouldn't hurt to clear the concrete5 cache and your browser's cache.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
I have been having a similar experience but it tends to be with google chrome and only if I have a sub menu open?
Jebediah replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry i wasn't very explicit in my post first time!

I does appear to only be happening in firefox (latest version) and happens regardless of the theme. I tried it on another computer and it works fine in firefox so guessing it's somethng related to my browser only.

It's so totally odd. Essentially whilst logged in as an admin if i try to perform any action - like creating a new page, saving a new block etc. i will click a button, but the page won't load the action utnil i move the mouse around repeatedly. I really don't get what is happening as I've never seen anything like it.

Anyway seems to work on other comps so hopefully it'll work for the client cos if they come back to me and it doesn't i have no answer to fix it hehe :/
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
Just as an after thought...have you cleared your browser cache?
You may also want to clear you C5 cache too.

Sorry if stating the obvious.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Any FF addons screwing it up for you?