Very strange problem with view.php

Can't work out whats happening here but I have set up the page not found single page to use my site template. I know this page uses the view.php page type but the strange thing is it seems to loose some of its styling. Heres what happens...

The slideshow i'm using fades to each image but they appear beneath each other and also the styling I have on my form has gone.

Another strange thing is that when i'm logged in it appears OK.

All other pages in the site are fine.
I have attached a two screen grabs so you can see what I mean.


2 Attachments

frizzleb replied on at Permalink Reply
Does your sideshow use jquery? If so could is be that the libraries are not being loaded when the page is rendered. In my install to increase performance I have disabled jquery to speed up the fronted but the libraries are automatically loaded when you login as admin as the admin UI uses them.
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you post up your theme files?

You might be loading some things twice plus your css could be causing some major problems.
oakleafg replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your replies, I can see where the problem lies but not sure why its happening. When I view the source for the page not found these two css files are not appearing...

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/packages/pronews/blocks/pronews_list/templates/news_list/view.css?v=be6b839e9460c45eaa891addb3786155" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/concrete/blocks/slideshow/view.css?v=be6b839e9460c45eaa891addb3786155" />

The code for the two files which generate this page are

view.php (in my theme folder)
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
$this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?>
<div id="slideshow"><?
$block = Block::getByName('slideshow'); 
if( $block && $block->bID ) $block->display(); 
<div id="sidebar">
<div id="sidebarshadowl"></div>
<div id="sidebarcontent">
<div id="sidebarhead"><?php 
         $a = new Area('Sidebar Title');

page_not_found.php (in my single_pages folder)
<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
<?php  if (is_object($c)) { ?>
   <?php  $a = new Area("Main"); $a->display($c); ?>
<?php  } ?>
<a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/"><?php echo t('Back to Home')?></a>