Want to select different file set for gallery according to each link
I'm using an addon 'galleria' and want to select a different fileset depending on what link is clicked.
any ideas? So for example if I clicked and link for blue cars the file set used would be blue cars.
I am used to sending a query string normally outside C5 but wondered how to accomplish the same with galleria.
any ideas? So for example if I clicked and link for blue cars the file set used would be blue cars.
I am used to sending a query string normally outside C5 but wondered how to accomplish the same with galleria.

This sounds like it's something that could be ajax-based. You may want to check out the free addon, "AJAX Lessons" in the marketplace. It explains how to set up ajax-driven content.
Did you ever solve this? Im in the same situation now in need of something similiar to you. Any help is appreciated!