web site cross linked - PLEASE HELP!

We've had a C5 website (oldsite) running OK for a while and are now developing a new C5 website (newsite). Suddenly the old website has stopped working, saying "htdocs/themes/newsite/default.php not found.". It should, of course, have been looking for 'oldsite' but for some reason it seems to be looking for the theme set for the new site.

I've cleared the cache and tmp folders on the old site and I've looked through the database completely for any reference to newsite but can't find anything. I've also compared the website source for oldsite from before and after the newsite template was installed but can find no changes.

The way we install C5 (because we're using a mirrored server setup and normal installation doesn't work) was to install on a 'normal' server and then copy that installation to the real server, modifying config/site.php to access the correct database (which was also populated from the 'normal' server).

Any ideas as to what is going on here?

A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you running APC? If so, clear the APC cache.
kenmoore replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm fairly new to C5 so I'm working on the principle that if I don't know what APC is then I'm probably not using it!

From what I've read I assume it's a package, in which case it's not in use and there's no mention of it in site.php.

The packages installed on the old site are asmiller_gallery, core_commerce, page_redirect, page_selector_attribute and superfish.

Nothing yet installed on the new site.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
You'd ask your system administrator about APC. If that's not the problem I recommend you to export your database to a textfile and then run ctrl+f5 or whatever to search for 'oldtheme'. If so, check the corresponding table and update those records :)
kenmoore replied on at Permalink Reply
I AM the system administrator! :-( But, as I said, C5 is fairly new to me, other than setting it up.

Anyway, I've found why it was behaving wrongly... the site.php file for oldsite had been changed to point to the newsite database, even though I'd tried restoring the whole thing from a pre-newsite backup (and had checked its contents)!

I think there must (have been) be some linkage set between the 2 files... either that or I just slipped into a parallel universe!