Weir Drop-down navigation
My site is using Silence theme
I have so much troubles in getting my site navigation to run properly. I am not getting help from the theme developer and hope someone can help me here.
The sitewide header navigation with drop-down menu is a hit and miss thing. The drop-down menu is sometimes there and sometimes not when clicking through. When it is not there, just by refreshing, and it is there again. This makes it hard for visitors to navigate my site. The problem is the same with ie and firefox.
The problem may have something to do with page header nav and sitewide header nav. working together. I may have pages which were created with both. Have been going back to delete as many navigation blocks as I can and hope that finally when it is down to one global nav, it will work. Am I correct here or not? Since I have over thousand pages on my site, it may take forever.
But in doing that, I have this problem. I used to have hundreds if not thousand of header nav. entries in the Global stack area. I just gone in to delete them all, one by one until there was none and had created a new global nav on just one page. Since then, I have only one entry in the global stack. With the latest version of C5, it is now not creating new entries, but bumping up the version number of this entry whenever I delete a sitewide nav block on a page and publish it.
I don't know how to fix the problem and would really appreciate someone can shine some lights here for me!!! Thank you so much in advance.
I have so much troubles in getting my site navigation to run properly. I am not getting help from the theme developer and hope someone can help me here.
The sitewide header navigation with drop-down menu is a hit and miss thing. The drop-down menu is sometimes there and sometimes not when clicking through. When it is not there, just by refreshing, and it is there again. This makes it hard for visitors to navigate my site. The problem is the same with ie and firefox.
The problem may have something to do with page header nav and sitewide header nav. working together. I may have pages which were created with both. Have been going back to delete as many navigation blocks as I can and hope that finally when it is down to one global nav, it will work. Am I correct here or not? Since I have over thousand pages on my site, it may take forever.
But in doing that, I have this problem. I used to have hundreds if not thousand of header nav. entries in the Global stack area. I just gone in to delete them all, one by one until there was none and had created a new global nav on just one page. Since then, I have only one entry in the global stack. With the latest version of C5, it is now not creating new entries, but bumping up the version number of this entry whenever I delete a sitewide nav block on a page and publish it.
I don't know how to fix the problem and would really appreciate someone can shine some lights here for me!!! Thank you so much in advance.
Hi Ron,
Thank you so much for your response.
I think the problem is mostly solved now by doing what was suggested in the following discussion by changing the Header nav name.
Now I have 2 header nav in the Global stack, both with the same auto-nav specification so when C5 is toggling between the old Header nav and the new Header nav, it will have the same result.
It is so wonderful that you are so willing to help. Really appreciate your kindness. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for your response.
I think the problem is mostly solved now by doing what was suggested in the following discussion by changing the Header nav name.
Now I have 2 header nav in the Global stack, both with the same auto-nav specification so when C5 is toggling between the old Header nav and the new Header nav, it will have the same result.
It is so wonderful that you are so willing to help. Really appreciate your kindness. Thanks again.
De nada :)
I could see that at for example the drop down nav isn't loaded, not just that, the following scripts are not loaded
as you can see when opening the console.
I think this might be the problem, not the navigation, because on the pages where the navigation works, these scripts errors do not appear.