What changes required to blocks for 5.5
I've seen that "not all blocks have been upgraded to 5.5" on the download page - however I cant seem to find any documentation on what changes actually required.
My block (www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/mailchimp) seems to work ok - except when first adding it to the page, the json code is returned e.g. {"aID":"15","arHandle":"Main","cID":"1","error":false,"bID":"30"} on a blank page rather than just returning to the editing page with the block added. If I click on back button its all there and fine.
Can you either point me to the docs, or tell me whats wrong (i've checked the concrete5 installed blocks and they seem no different).
The text is displayed by /concrete/startup/process.php line "print Loader::helper('json')->encode($obj);"
My block (www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/mailchimp) seems to work ok - except when first adding it to the page, the json code is returned e.g. {"aID":"15","arHandle":"Main","cID":"1","error":false,"bID":"30"} on a blank page rather than just returning to the editing page with the block added. If I click on back button its all there and fine.
Can you either point me to the docs, or tell me whats wrong (i've checked the concrete5 installed blocks and they seem no different).
The text is displayed by /concrete/startup/process.php line "print Loader::helper('json')->encode($obj);"
Thanks - but no, there are several fields in the table; i've removed the 'btTable' reference in the controller as per your post and still no joy. There are no logs being written either.
The problem only occurs when the user adds the block to the page, not during installation of the block just to clarify.
The problem only occurs when the user adds the block to the page, not during installation of the block just to clarify.
Have you looked in Reports -> Logs if there is any MySQL error?