What does it mean when CSS styles are located in /updates/?

I have noticed that sometimes when I'm trying to locate the styles affecting an addon element, the files will be located in a Concrete5 updater folder. For instance, I have a style overriding my files in the /css folder that is located in /updates/concrete5.6.1.2_udpater/concrete/css. What does it mean when styles are located here? Strangely, this style didn't change even when I added !important to the property in /css.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The updates folder is where whatever version of the c5 core you are using / updated to is loaded from. When you update c5, often there will be revisions to the styling of the dashboard, core blocks, core themes, and addons that use those styles.
drconsolidated replied on at Permalink Reply
I see, so why is it that the styles located in the CSS file here are overriding the ones in my root/css folder? Any ideas? Using !important doesn't override the style that is declared in the updates folder. Thanks!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
There are 2 kinds of overrides you need to consider:

1. Concrete5 overrides, where a file you place in the root folders should be loaded in place of the equivalent file from the current core.

2. CSS cascade rules. Here the order of loading files is only relevant when 2 rules are equally applicable and it is CSS specificity that governs which style takes precedence.