What is better for caching a breadcrumb (autonav) - a stack or a page default?
For cases where a breadcrumb blocks needs to be on lots of pages on a site, I'll often create a GlobalArea, to place and manage an autonav block, using the breadcrumb configuration.
But with the recent caching improvements, I'm starting to turn on the cache a lot more, so I'm thinking more about how blocks might get cached.
I'm thinking that an autonav block in a Global area isn't going to be cached, as it outputs different content depending on the page it is... but an autonav that's in a normal Area is?
Am I right in my thinking here or is there a level of caching that happens on blocks in stacks/global areas that happens to help things?
I love using Global Areas to manage content, but am I perhaps making caching less likely to happen?
But with the recent caching improvements, I'm starting to turn on the cache a lot more, so I'm thinking more about how blocks might get cached.
I'm thinking that an autonav block in a Global area isn't going to be cached, as it outputs different content depending on the page it is... but an autonav that's in a normal Area is?
Am I right in my thinking here or is there a level of caching that happens on blocks in stacks/global areas that happens to help things?
I love using Global Areas to manage content, but am I perhaps making caching less likely to happen?
Yes please, share your results if you can. Both of you.
I am beginning to suspect there is a generic issue with any block that does context sensitive processing, whether that processing is in the controller or view. I suspect the way the 5.6.1+ block cache and save operates means that the context sensitive decisions are being made in the wrong context or a confused context. I am also not convinced that blocks that are not supposed to be cached are completely independent of this. Hence autonav relative to the current page.
Its one of several reasons for the thread I started on the leaders forum.
As I said at the top, 'beginning to suspect'. I haven't been able to formulate exactly what is happening yet.
Its one of several reasons for the thread I started on the leaders forum.
As I said at the top, 'beginning to suspect'. I haven't been able to formulate exactly what is happening yet.
I have been getting some spurious results I am trying to formulate into a bug report.