Where is .htaccess


Where is the .htaccess file in the concrete directory?
I'm trying to speed up my site by adding some code in there, but I haven't been able to find it.

I've read these pages:
Forum post about adding speed-up code to .htaccess:

C5 Documentation on htaccess (confusing because it assumes I know what the file does, and where to find it.)

If I don't have an .htaccess file, is there a decent set of instructions for creating one? If I save a file from Sublimetext as ".htaccess" I get a popup warning me that the file will be hidden.


Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
your htaccess is on your server, not in the C5 files. There's a load of info found with a quick google search.
prince55l replied on at Permalink Reply
if you want to create htaccess, you can use this tool http://www.htaccessredirect301.com... to generate it, depending on the syntax you want