Where is the C5 function to call a popup?

Greetings and salutations,
The website i'm making is using a template with a menu at the left and content at the right. We would like to add pages directly to the menu (when logged in of course), without going to the site map.

I went to the sitemap to look at how it was done. Inspecting the "Add page" option in the popup, I found this href:


It's easy enough to modify the cID to the page you want. The only problem, is i'd like to have exactly the same popup you get when you chose that option in the site map. If you navigate to that page, you'll see the content you want to add a new page, but I can't figure out how to have it inside the C5 popup... There must be some kind of javascript function bound to those links...

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
To add a subpage to the current page, all you have to do is hover over the edit button and click on 'Add Page'. If your autonav is set up correct, the page will then also be available in the menu.

No need to invent the wheel again. :)
slafleche replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey adajad, thanks for the quick reply.

For this project, we need the content to be called via AJAX, so your suggestion doesn't work. I'll try to be clearer. We are not using autonav, our menu is made with jsTree.

Lets say you land on page A. You navigate in the menu on the left and click on page B. When you do, you do not navigate to page B like you normally would. We ask for the content of page B and insert it in page A with AJAX. So to concrete's eyes, we're still on page A, which we are, but the content is identical to page B.
slafleche replied on at Permalink Reply
(ignore this reply, i can't delete it anymore)