Where is the user profile attribute code?


I'm attempting to add new attributes to the user profile so I can store more info and then use the info stored in the table to display other info depending on what the user has entered against an attribute

For instance I wish to have a few checkboxes or radiobuttons which when selected will display some links in the user profile.

I have found the single page user profile and edit pages, and the registration page and can get them to display the check boxes, however I need them to store in the user table, but I cannot find what code inserts the data from the registration page into the table?

Does anyone know where this code is? There seem to be form helpers etc, but I don't know where the file that says for instance

mysql_query("INSERT INTO member(address, contact, picture, username, password)VALUES('$address', '$contact', '$pic', '$username', '$password')");
header("location: index.php?remarks=success");

Am I barking up the wrong tree or is this possible?

Sorry if this sounds like gobbledegook as I'm learning as I go ;)