Where should my custom files go after update?

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I have concrete installed to my root. Using the blocks as example, the file structure is like this

root/concrete/blocks <-- original
root/blocks <----------- my custom file

After I did automatic update, there seems to be a complete duplication of this inside my update folder.

So now I also have...

root/updates/concrete5.4.1/concrete/blocks <-- original
root/updates/concrete5.4.1/blocks <------ my custom file?

So should my future custom files go under the /update folder? Or I can stick to the same folder posted above?

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You should keep your custom templates under the /blocks directory.

Keep in mind if your manually upgrading your only uploading and overwriting the /concrete5 folder.

This is why c5 is so great! You can do all these customizations and then never worry about the core overwriting them.

Hope that helps.

Panupat replied on at Permalink Reply

Sounds like manually updating concrete5 would be a better idea. Can I delete the update folder and redo the update manually?
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
The /updates folder should be clear. The only thing that really changes is that site.php with the update added.

C5 Dashboard should be fine. But if it is causing problems I would probably backup everything and then reupload the /concrete directory.

If you do that make sure you pay a visit to the /site/config.php file to remove the upgrade.

Personally I like FTP. Plus when your working with symlinks it's probably the best.