Whitespace added before block item

Hello there!
I am facing an interesting problem. I have a custom block item in a scrapbook, being inserted into a page from code automatically. Every one of the block has some un-breaking whitespace in front of them, messing up the design. I have tried to point out the origin of these whitespace-characters, but in vain. Here is the code I have for the blocks view.php:

<div class="_reklam-AM">
<div class="_elso-oszlop">
   <?php echo $szoveg; ?>
<div class="_masodik-oszlop">
   <?php echo $html->image($picture->getURL()); ?>

I also double checked the blocks' html, and found that there are no unwanted <p></p> tags, or whatever -- just plain whitespace charaters in front of each instance of the specific block type. Also, here is the code I use to insert the blocks:

<div id="tartalom_AM"><!-- KIEMELT ANIMÁLT TARTALOM SÁV -->
         foreach($scrapbookHelper->getAvailableScrapbooks() as $sb){
            $scrapBooks[$sb["arHandle"]] = new Area( $sb["arHandle"] );
            $globalScrapbookC = $scrapbookHelper->getGlobalScrapbookPage();
            $scrapBooks[ $sb["arHandle"]] = $scrapBooks[$sb["arHandle"]]->getAreaBlocksArray( $globalScrapbookC );
         foreach($scrapBooks["tartalom_AM"] as $blocks){
            echo '<li>';
            $bv = new BlockView();
            $bv->render($blocks, "scrapbook");
            echo '</li>';

I also tried putting all code, both HTML and PHP on one line, but it did not help. I have run out of ideas. I welcome any guesses. Thanks!

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szucslaszlo replied on at Permalink Reply
When removing all C5 specific code, the problem persisted. It seems, that the browser renders some whitespace in a certain context... strange. I know it is not concrete related anymore, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be very happy!
KoWa replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
szucslaszlo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! I would probably never have figured that out on my own!