Words starting with accent are not sorted alphabetically using auto-nav
I'm having a trouble with sorting auto-nav alphabetically in case that first letter of word has an accent. For example: "ě,š,č,ř,ž,ý,á,í,é". For some reason, it works well only using page-list. But i need to use auto-nav.
Check out the website:
Auto-nav is used in the left sidebar (word "čerstvé těstoviny" has to be right after words starting with a, but its in the end):
But pagelist works fine:http://blobmedia.cz/test/administrace/nabidka/...
This code i use for displaying the autonav:
I just need to expand this sorting ability with some extra characters somehow. Maybe somewhere in MySQL? Any ideas?
I will appreciate any suggestions.
I'm having a trouble with sorting auto-nav alphabetically in case that first letter of word has an accent. For example: "ě,š,č,ř,ž,ý,á,í,é". For some reason, it works well only using page-list. But i need to use auto-nav.
Check out the website:
Auto-nav is used in the left sidebar (word "čerstvé těstoviny" has to be right after words starting with a, but its in the end):
But pagelist works fine:http://blobmedia.cz/test/administrace/nabidka/...
This code i use for displaying the autonav:
<?php $page = Page::getCurrentPage(); $bt_main = BlockType::getByHandle('autonav'); $bt_main->controller->displayPages = 'custom'; // top, above, below, second_level, third_level, custom (Specify the displayPagesCID below) $bt_main->controller->displayPagesCID = $page->getCollectionParentID(); // <-- Specify the CID of the page named: REPERTOIRE ( Gets the first level of pages under that section ) $bt_main->controller->orderBy = 'alpha_asc'; $bt_main->controller->displaySubPages = 'none'; // none, relevant, relevant_breadcrumb, all $bt_main->controller->displaySubPageLevels = 'none'; //custom, none $bt_main->controller->displaySubPageLevelsNum = '1'; // Specify how deep level $bt_main->render('view'); // Specify your template or type "view" to use default ?>
I just need to expand this sorting ability with some extra characters somehow. Maybe somewhere in MySQL? Any ideas?
I will appreciate any suggestions.