Wrong menu item selected (nav-selected on wrong li!)
Hi there,
I'm building a new site on C5.5 and am having a strange issue with the incorrect menu item being "selected" by the autonav module. I have several pages and sub-pages on the site, and the nav-selected and nav-path-selected CSS classes are applied correctly in my stylesheet but for some reason concrete5 seems to be sticking the active class on the first item in each menu/submenu even if you are on a different page.
A screenshot of the site map tree is attached. If you click on the email marketing page, for example, the "home" item on the main nav has the selected classes, as does the "web design" item in a sidebar submenu that I have. I refreshed the page a few times and looked at the source, seems C5 is just outputting the pages incorrectly. Also tried clearing the site cache a few times, doesn't help. **However** the nav menus DO work fine when I'm logged in and in editing mode.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I'm building a new site on C5.5 and am having a strange issue with the incorrect menu item being "selected" by the autonav module. I have several pages and sub-pages on the site, and the nav-selected and nav-path-selected CSS classes are applied correctly in my stylesheet but for some reason concrete5 seems to be sticking the active class on the first item in each menu/submenu even if you are on a different page.
A screenshot of the site map tree is attached. If you click on the email marketing page, for example, the "home" item on the main nav has the selected classes, as does the "web design" item in a sidebar submenu that I have. I refreshed the page a few times and looked at the source, seems C5 is just outputting the pages incorrectly. Also tried clearing the site cache a few times, doesn't help. **However** the nav menus DO work fine when I'm logged in and in editing mode.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Can you post your CSS for the menu so I can see it?
Yep, here are the relevant parts related to the items and selected classes:
.cmswrap #header UL.main-menu LI.nav-selected A, .cmswrap #header UL.main-menu LI.nav-path-selected A, .cmswrap #header UL.main-menu LI:hover A{ text-decoration:none; background: url(../images/bg/mmhover.png) no-repeat left top; margin-top: 1px; } .cmswrap #header UL.main-menu LI.nav-selected, .cmswrap #header UL.main-menu LI.nav-path-selected, .cmswrap #header UL.main-menu LI:hover { background: url(../images/bg/tail.png) no-repeat center bottom; }
The strangest part is, if I wait about 10 minutes or so and click on another link, that link gets the selected class but then after that it seems to get stuck on that one! Even if I clear my browser cache and cookies, and quit/reopen the browser, the wrong item remains selected until I wait another 5 or 10 minutes and click on one more thing.
I was able to partially fix this -- if you disable the Basic Cache in the site settings area it seems to resolve the problem, however that won't be every good for performance when the site goes live. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this a bug in v5.5? I've built a few sites on older versions of c5 and haven't seen this problem before.