XML Schema for Importing

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I am working on a block with an associated dashboard interface that will have an import capability from an XML file.

What I am looking for is any schema/definitions that others have used for similar purposes. I am not looking for actual code (though code would be nice, I think I have that pretty much in hand), just the equivalent of http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/how-tos/developers/creating-... but for importing pages.

Because of the nature of the block, I suspect I will have to do some modifications to the schema/definitions, but overall I would like to work with something that is already there.

The reason is not that I can't invent such an XML schema/definition for myself, but that I would like to work towards a de-facto standard for XML import rather than diverging from work already done by others.

mrowell replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not sure if it is suitable for your needs, but the eCommerce Import module has a very basic function for importing html pages.

It works well.

It uses an XML (seehttp://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/ecommerce-import/)... to import a collection of html pages.