YouTube video is white screen in Firefox on windows machine
We have added a YouTube video to our Grounds Theme site which is visible in all browsers on a mac and a pc, except for Firefox on a windows pc. You can see the video in the code, but it is showing as a white page on the screen. We edited the code from suggestions found in forums here so that the video would loop back to the beginning and not show similar videos. The video even works in IE on all platforms, except for the aforementioned Firefox with updated shockwave flash plugins. We have designed this for an agency client, and are not experts in code so we hope someone might have a solution. Here is the site:, and here is the code we put in for the video: <iframe width="742" height="417" src="//;&autoplay=0&?modestbranding=1&autoplay=0&controls=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Thank you!
Thank you!