Z-index issue with Attibute being used under a selector(overlay) box
I am creating a package that offers, tags and various overlays, (user selector, page selector).
When I load one of the selectors I am noticing that the Tag, input is displayed through the selector.
I have noticed the ccm-dialog-window is set to z-index:202
The Tag attribute I am including has a newAttrValueRowsXX, class="ccm-input-text ui-autocomplete-input" and its z-index is 260.
This is the only input I have noticed that does this. And I assume its done as the attribute is usually called on the page properties tab. There for needs to be above the overlay.
Can anyone tell me how I can alter the z-index of the form that is rendered, do I need to create my own version of the model, or is it possible to alter it using some form of custom view?. I would usually attempt to do this via css, but this time it is embedded on the field it self.
Many Thanks
When I load one of the selectors I am noticing that the Tag, input is displayed through the selector.
I have noticed the ccm-dialog-window is set to z-index:202
The Tag attribute I am including has a newAttrValueRowsXX, class="ccm-input-text ui-autocomplete-input" and its z-index is 260.
This is the only input I have noticed that does this. And I assume its done as the attribute is usually called on the page properties tab. There for needs to be above the overlay.
Can anyone tell me how I can alter the z-index of the form that is rendered, do I need to create my own version of the model, or is it possible to alter it using some form of custom view?. I would usually attempt to do this via css, but this time it is embedded on the field it self.
Many Thanks
I had overlooked the important property I normally only use it to fix IE bugs, but this does the job a treat.
Many Thanks
Many Thanks
trouble attaching image to orginal
I think you can use important (!important) property in CSS. Try it.