Zend Framework version
What version of the Zend Framework is installed in the current version? I think that each version of concrete5 needs to specify which version of every third party library is included. With ZF you might want to include Zend_Version. How regularly is this updated? Security updates are provided from time to time and I would like to be assured that those are merged into the concrete5 distribution as soon as possible.
If I want to use a ZF component not included in the concrete5 distribution and that component uses a component that is in the concrete5 distribution what will happen? Which component will be loaded? For example, if I use Zend_Feed (using a completely seperate ZF install) will it use the Zend_Http component provided by concrete5 or will it use the same component in the version from my own ZF install?
If I want to use a ZF component not included in the concrete5 distribution and that component uses a component that is in the concrete5 distribution what will happen? Which component will be loaded? For example, if I use Zend_Feed (using a completely seperate ZF install) will it use the Zend_Http component provided by concrete5 or will it use the same component in the version from my own ZF install?

The development version of concrete5 has the most recent (i believe) copy of ZF, if not then the next closest,
Can we get that documented when it is released? Also, do we know what version the current stable release uses? There have been 6 updates to ZF since was released on 11/19/10. Hopefully none of them had security updates.
On my servers, I'm running a centralized ZF install. I symlink to it from the libraries/3rdparty folder. I keep it up to date, but haven't hit any issues yet. Oh, but don't put Zend on your include path. That will cause libraries to be loaded twice in some instances, causing Fatal Errors...
I would be fine with that if I knew which version of ZF concrete5 uses because then I could install the same version. I don't feel comfortable installing a version that's different than what concrete5 expects since there could be incompatibilities. It's good that you haven't had any issues yet but unless you know which version concrete5 expects there's no assurances that you won't.