Zoom Image Dual - border off

I've installed Zoom Image Dual on a site where images are styled to have a 1 pixel brown border, and if want an image in the content not to have a border, I just use Insert/Edit Image to set the border to '0'.

However, with Zoom Image Dual, there's nowhere to do that so the Zoom Image Dual thumbnail images also have a brown border. I've checked the relevant CSS but the border for any 'img' styles is already 'none' and the image code is already border="0".

Seehttp://www.mgabingdon.co.uk/index.php?cID=358... for an example page with a normal image with no border, then underneath that, the Zoom Image Dual block with a brown border.

Is there any way I can lose the border on the Zoom Image Dual thumbnail images?


Fernandos replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
just add
.zoom_image_dual_container img {border:0!important}
into your css, that will remove the borders.

usually the addon developer should give you support and you can always just create a support thread over there:http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/zoom-image-dual/... click on support.
AWCwebmaster replied on at Permalink Reply
Brilliant! That did the job, many thanks.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I've fixed this issue in the most recent version (1.1) in the marketplace.

I definitely encourage you (or anyone) to post to the addon's forum or support area (see the sidebar links on every marketplace page) when you run into issues -- that way the developer will be informed about it and can help you or fix the code.