Installation Help

looping php warning in log after upgrade to

In seeking the solution to other issues after upgrade, I find that my php log is recording the following about every 20 seconds. I am wondering if my installation was successful (through dashboard) because as you can see the concrete5.6.1.2_updater direct…

Header Issues After Upgrade to

After upgrading to the new version of C5, I have found an interesting behavior that I can't quite identify or figure out the why! On the Home Page, the header is being replaced with the words ... Welcome to concrete5 - an Open Source CMS but if you re…

Update to

I keep trying to download the update and it eventually goes to a blank white page or 500 server error.

Error upgrading from to on MAMP

I just tried updating from to on my local (MAMP) copy of my website, and while I can still access the dashboard just fine, every time I try to go anywhere on the front end of the site I get the following error: [code]Warning: require_on…

custom form wont allow fo captcha to show. what to do?

So I am trying to add field for simple captcha that is built in with concrete 5 but when I mark required field it wont show on the form. When I remove custom template for form it shows. so there is a problem with custom template. I did not built the form …

Installing - fatal error

I get this error during the install process. Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Concrete5_Model_GroupPermissionAccessEntity::getOrCreate() must be an instance of Group, null given, called in /content/sites/c/b/…

Site wide navigation issue after upgrade

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me out here, I recently upgraded C5 to and use a theme called heywater. The upgrade broke my theme, and affected my navigation. after a bit of searching and clean up I was able to fix the problem…

Installation help

Hello, In the configuration I got the following error: There are already 82 tables in this database. concrete5 must be installed in an empty database. I dont understand because my database is already empty. can somebody help

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