Installation Help

Database Restore Error - Warning: chmod()

Hi everyone, I recently moved my website from localhost MAMP server to a live webserver and when I restored the database from the backup I made, I received the following errors: Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in .../publi…

try to update to

hello, under my update tab it says there's a new version released oct 6 2011 version is that really the latest update. anyways, my question is that when I try to update it, I get this msg. •The directory /kunden/homepages/32/d153503348/h…

Found Locations Oddity!

Hi there, On my 'Found Locations' for one of my sites with Concrete 5, I have two accounts showing for the same URL. One is with the current Version of Concrete 5 and the other with an older one when I was developing the site. Do I need to delete th…

5.6.1 new install cannot connect to community

Hi, Im new to concrete, but have some IT skills... treat me gently! I have a virtual server, with a site on which ive just installed 5.6.1 and all is well, connects to marketplace etc perfectly. I have a dedicated server, with a site that ive inst…

Unable to connect to community

Hello! First, let me say that Concrete5 is incredible. OK, the only issue I've had is attempting to connect the site as a Project within the Concrete5 community. I purchased a number of add-ons but I'm unable to connect them to the site until it is r…

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