Installation Help

Stuck in Maintenance Mode

I don't know what I did but now I am stuck in maintenance mode and unable to find dashboard to make change. Can someone help out. I have read other posts and lookin for simple answer if one exists.

Dashboard - Page not found

Hi all, I tried updating my installation from 5.4.? to 5.5.? and though almost everything went right, it destroyed my theme's menu. I tried fixing it, but instead I destroyed even more. Fortunately I backed everything up, so I uploaded my back-ups a…

Restore from backup error

I get this error when I try to restore from backup: mysql error: [1153: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes] History: Upgraded from to 5.5.2 and for the most part it all went well. I had some issues that I couldn't resolve …

Username and password after migration

I built a site on our development server and after the files and db moved over to the live server, the username and password no longer work. Any ideas as to why this has happened? I have been unable to login to edit. Thanks!


I'm on 5.5.1 and need to update to Use the link on dashboard to do it and I get Page Not Found No page could be found at this address. Back to Home. anyone help

thought I was just updating some ad-ons

Can someone please help me. I got an error when entering my site: How can I fix this?? Thank you An unexpected error occurred. mysql error: [1146: Table 'duboishs_concrete.btSbBlogList' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `btSbBlogLis…

How do I move an installation from a subfolder to the root?

I have a client who wanted us originally to install Concrete in a folder, so the URL would be Now, they've changed their minds and want the install at the root level. Is there an easy way to accomplish this without having to do a …

trying to upgrade tpo 5.5x

Getting this error message? Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 21495808) (tried to allocate 13888218 bytes) in /homepages/44/xxxx/htdocs/karma/concrete/helpers/file.php on line 192

block layout

Hi, newbee question! I would like to be able to add a article to main content area. It should be a grey rectangle(div) with a picture and text runaround. I can make this with html/css but how do i get this in C5? Do i have to program a block? or is th…

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