thought I was just updating some ad-ons
Can someone please help me. I got an error when entering my site:
How can I fix this??
Thank you
An unexpected error occurred.
mysql error: [1146: Table 'duboishs_concrete.btSbBlogList' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `btSbBlogList`")
How can I fix this??
Thank you
An unexpected error occurred.
mysql error: [1146: Table 'duboishs_concrete.btSbBlogList' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `btSbBlogList`")
I can get to the dashboard. I was only updating my add-ons. The one that caused, I think it is the simple blog add-on which is shown in the mysql error. I'm not sure of the back-up, I doubt it, but I am checking.
Thank you for your time
Thank you for your time
Try re-installing the Simple Blog add-on or, even better, contact Chad by submitting a Support ticket on the add-on page:
Try accessing the dashboard.
(http://www.yourwebsite.some.thing/dashboard... )
If you can get to the dashboard we're halfway solved.
Then we have a few things to check:
1 - Did someone fiddle with the SQL?
2 - If yes (or possibly yes), do you have a backup?
If the table was removed and you don't have a backup, it may get a bit nasty to solve this, but we'll get there.
3 - If the database is intact, did any SQL Call change, or was a new plugin or something installed?