Installation Help

connect to DB questions

Solved. I can't find a way to mark it solved without a response, but I learned that the problem was getting the server name right. Check, and check. Now to figure out how to build my own template. Hello, This is a total noob question, but I could us…

Installation script

Hi, I was wondering if there is a script to automatically install Concrete if some server info was provided, without having to type it in each time? I could look into creating one myself but maybe something is already available. Basically one click instal…

5.3.2 to 5.3.3 problem

Hi, I run a live site on concrete I tried to upgrade from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 but the following came up: Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/p/p/t/pptransadmin/html/concrete/models/attribute/key.php on line 247 Warnin…

Fatal error after upgrade

After upgrading from 5.3.2 to at the page; While uses the same pagetype. Same goes for o…

PHP Warning: file_exists() open_basedir restriction in effect.

Hi, I've installed C5 on a Windows 2008 / IIS7 server with no problems so far. Except that when I'm logged in as Admin and click the 'Scrapbook' link in the dashboard, I get the following error: ------------------------------------- PHP Warning: fi…

Multiple installs - shered common core files - how?

Hi, It appears from the base.php file that it is possible to share a set of core files across a number of Concrete 5 installations - obviously to make it easier, I imagine, to upgrade a single set of core files rather than having to upgrade, say, 20 cl…

Help me - I live in England!

Hi, Can anyone tell me how I can change the date format to the European standard of dd/mm/yyyy rather than the US mm/dd/yyyy? I have found the LOCALE definition in the base.php script and changed 'en_US' to 'en_GB' but this has no effect whatsoever.…

File Manager not working

I was uploading a file and it crashed. Now every time I go to Dashboard, File Manager I am getting blank page with words "File Manager" and nothing else. Is there any way to fix this?

fresh install questions

I had to do a fresh install of Concrete 5 ( I was running 5.3.2. Question: what happens if I use the old database? I will re-upload the files ( close to 2,000- ughhh) and rebuild the pages one by one, unless someone knows an easier way to do thi…

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