doesn't update on top of

Found mentioned in my Dashboard and downloaded it successfully (I can see it in the "updates" folder.)

Clicked the Update button to install it "locally" and when done updated me to, --- what I started with.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
There is a bug that has since been fixed that led to the original update pointer not being replaced in config/site.php when updating one site on top of another. This has been fixed but it might require some light tweaking for sites that started with 5.4.

Try opening config/site.php. You'll probably see two DIRNAME_APP_UDPATED constants in there, one to the first update and one to the second. Remove the first one so that the only one in there is pointing to
deckeda replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Andrew, that did the trick. I appreciate the quick reply.

I deleted
<?php  define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.4.0.2');?>

... saved the file, and went back to the Dashboard. Saw a new note at the top that said I'd downloaded but not yet updated. Clicked the update-to- link and it then worked.