[solved] 5.6.0 upgrade won't run at all

What a train wreck... I've been testing the latest upgrade in my test/debugging environment, and have gotten the upgrade to run twice, so far. After finding other issues, I decided to restore the backup I ran just prior to the upgrade and run another trial update, and now the auto-updater won't run at all.

It doesn't see the new core in the /updates folder.

As a point of reference, I am following the instructions here:

I'm using "method 1" - prefer not to use method 2.

The the problem is that auto-update page in the Dashboard doesn't see the new version I manually copied into /updates/concrete5.6.0. When I try to run ../index.php/tools/required/upgrade, it just says the site is on the latest version and also does not "see"the 5.6.0 version in the updates folder. According to the how-to, " If your new core is in the right spot, it will show up as available to be installed." Hmmm... apparently, not always.

It's odd, because I didn't run into this on the first trial. Once I copied 5.6.0 into the /updates folder, auto-update took it from there.

Any suggestions?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
This can be because you have not reverted one or other of:

- The upgrade definition in config/site

- The current version in the Config table of the database
landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
config/site.php says,
define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.5.2.1');

In the config table in the database, I have:

I presume APP_VERSION_LATEST refers to the latest version available to upgrade to, rather than the latest version present in the upgrades folder?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you are correct on that.
landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the input, John, that got me pointed in the right direction.
landollweb replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
After more playing, here's what I tried that ended up working:

I edited site.php, changed the define statement to refer to the version I'm upgrading to, rather than the current version...
define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.0');

This of course renders the site inoperable, but then when I went to ../index.php/tools/required/upgrade, it said "Upgrading from to 5.6.0. Click the upgrade button to continue. (...or something to that effect.) Clicked update, and the update ran.

brandonx49 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks.. this worked for me as well. Could not update manually and then I saw this thread..