installation error.

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Just installed on my remote server , running LAMP. During the install I receive an error just as its creating the database tables. I've dumped my database and created it again a couple of times and still get the same error. I managed to get it running locally on my machine running XAMPP just fine. I've attached an error of the screen shot I get. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.


1 Attachment

negs replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the exact same problem. Thank you.
negs replied on at Permalink Reply
I just deleted everything and then installed Version (the stable release from Concrete5 that is the alternative to 5.7) and it all went fine.
studiothink replied on at Permalink Reply
I had this same issue. I am running mysql 5.5.16 on Windows 7 and it turned out to be an issue with case sensitivity and the way mysql stores the innoDB tables.

I ended up having to change my MySQL config file (my.ini) to set
lower_case_table_names = 1

I hope this fixes the issues for most of you as it took me forever to figure out that the error really was a table creation issue and had nothing to do with altering the QueueMessages table, or adding a foreign key.


EDIT: I should note that this will force all tables to use a lowercase format, and according to the mysql documentation for moving the database cross platform:

Exception: If you are using InnoDB tables and you are trying to avoid these data transfer problems, you should set lower_case_table_names to 1 on all platforms to force names to be converted to lowercase.