Add-on Not showing up

Hi, I purchased Popup Pro Add-on. I accidentally assigned the license to an old project (actually an old version of the same project). I deleted that project from concrete5 account and started the new one with the correct url. I released the license from the add-on and then assigned it to the new project (with the new url). I can't for the life of figure out why I can't see it. Any suggestions? Help help help!

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm... have you tried connecting it to the new site via the extend functionality section of the new concrete5 site?
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
What version of Concrete are you using? If you're using 5.7 or newer, it likely wouldn't show up since it is only compatible with 5.6.
FROMEOFILLC replied on at Permalink Reply
Aah good catch! I'm using 5.7