Addons causing MySQL Error
I have also posted this as support to my addon however I have had no response from them and this seems like a general MYSQL Error
I installed advanced forms addon but when I go to the settings to update info for the forms and save I get this error. Would anyone know a standard fix on this.
mysql error: [1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'maximumPrice' at row 1] in EXECUTE("UPDATE sixeightforms SET name = 'Employer Application', sendMail = '1', sendData = '0', mailFrom = 'Auscoal Super', mailFromAddress = '', mailTo = '', mailCc = NULL, mailBcc = NULL, mailSubject = 'Auscoal Super Form Submission', afterSubmit = 'thankyou', thankyouCID = '0', thankyouMsg = 'Thank you for contacting us.', thankyouURL = 'http://', captcha = '0', submitLabel = 'Submit', fieldLabelLocation = NULL, sendApprovalNotification = '0', requiredIndicator = '*', requiredColor = 'ff0000', gateway = 'paypal', currencySymbol='$', ecommerceConfirmation = '', defaultAnswerSetStatus = NULL, autoCreatePage = NULL, parentCID = NULL, ctID = NULL, cName = NULL, cHandle = NULL, cDescription = NULL, meta_title = NULL, meta_description = NULL, meta_keywords = NULL, exclude_nav = NULL, detailTemplateID = NULL, disableCache = NULL, maximumPrice = '', autoIndex = '0' WHERE fID=1")
I installed advanced forms addon but when I go to the settings to update info for the forms and save I get this error. Would anyone know a standard fix on this.
mysql error: [1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'maximumPrice' at row 1] in EXECUTE("UPDATE sixeightforms SET name = 'Employer Application', sendMail = '1', sendData = '0', mailFrom = 'Auscoal Super', mailFromAddress = '', mailTo = '', mailCc = NULL, mailBcc = NULL, mailSubject = 'Auscoal Super Form Submission', afterSubmit = 'thankyou', thankyouCID = '0', thankyouMsg = 'Thank you for contacting us.', thankyouURL = 'http://', captcha = '0', submitLabel = 'Submit', fieldLabelLocation = NULL, sendApprovalNotification = '0', requiredIndicator = '*', requiredColor = 'ff0000', gateway = 'paypal', currencySymbol='$', ecommerceConfirmation = '', defaultAnswerSetStatus = NULL, autoCreatePage = NULL, parentCID = NULL, ctID = NULL, cName = NULL, cHandle = NULL, cDescription = NULL, meta_title = NULL, meta_description = NULL, meta_keywords = NULL, exclude_nav = NULL, detailTemplateID = NULL, disableCache = NULL, maximumPrice = '', autoIndex = '0' WHERE fID=1")
"put the field "Maximum Price" in the settings to 0 (or any value, as long as it's not empty)."