Admin with no Privileges?

My server will not complete an install, i.e. "..config/site.php" is 0bytes and empty and the install is blank at "...index/install/-/configure" {no resolution for this at all on forums}, thus I import my own 'site.php', go to "...index.php/dashboard" and low and behold I have the c5 dashboard, signed in as admin however no ability to access Sitewide settings and most control panel options don't appear.


The odd thing is, I managed to have a previous install on the same server {but due to me messing around I had to completely wipe this and start again!}

Any help?

Kind Regards,


JoeGlasgow replied on at Permalink Reply
After 4 Days of giving up on life... I realised that (DUH!), I could have just copied my entire WORKING local installation to my live server, rather than installing from scratch.

This indeed solved the problem, without actually finding out what was stopping my server completing a fresh install.

Anyways, I've got concrete5 working on IIS, Windows Server 2008 and MySQL. I'm thinking of writing a detailed guide on this, as it seems to be a sticking block for some people, as my hours spent tweaking and installing to all hours in the morning will atest.

Kind Regards,
