After installing Backup Pro - Site doesn't work - Error "composerRequire"
At first sorry for my english.
My concrete5 instalation worked fine - but today i installed the addon "backup pro" and now i cant start concrete5 and the website does not work.
The whole Error Message:
composerRequiref90e27cfc8e4d17437e717c2d1e61316(): Failed opening required '/is/htdocs/wp12935057_LIC73IG5UP/www/packages/backup_pro/libraries/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill/src/Apcu/bootstrap.php' (include_path='/is/htdocs/wp12935057_LIC73IG5UP/www/concrete/vendor:.:/usr/share/php7.1')
What can I do? Is there a way to deinstall only the addon?
Shit, concrete5 is not my "home-cms", so i don't know enough about the software, to get the site starting again.
Since 2 years, everything works fine, but after installing the site won't work. Oh no!
I hope for help ;-)
At first sorry for my english.
My concrete5 instalation worked fine - but today i installed the addon "backup pro" and now i cant start concrete5 and the website does not work.
The whole Error Message:
composerRequiref90e27cfc8e4d17437e717c2d1e61316(): Failed opening required '/is/htdocs/wp12935057_LIC73IG5UP/www/packages/backup_pro/libraries/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill/src/Apcu/bootstrap.php' (include_path='/is/htdocs/wp12935057_LIC73IG5UP/www/concrete/vendor:.:/usr/share/php7.1')
What can I do? Is there a way to deinstall only the addon?
Shit, concrete5 is not my "home-cms", so i don't know enough about the software, to get the site starting again.
Since 2 years, everything works fine, but after installing the site won't work. Oh no!
I hope for help ;-)

If you login to your server using FTP or cPanel, can you see if this file exists in your site packages/backup_pro/libraries/vendor/symfony/polyfill/src/Apcu/bootstrap.php ?
No, the file does not exist. But, were can i take the file? And i think then follows another file, which is not installed. Is there a chance to deaktivate the addon by ftp.
I think that your download of the package might not have been complete. Can you re-download the package from here: and then re-upload the files over the top of what you have?