"Support for C5 Request URLs" does not respond during initial installation

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I created a temporary version of our company website on SiteGround (works great), not pretty but functional, while our normal host (local company) upgrades PHP etc. We love the ease and functionality of C5. I am working to install C5 on our original host,http://www.bcsmpo.org, and having issues. All things check out okay except for "Support for C5 Request URLs" - which does not ever check off nor state the issue.

Please, I need any suggestions to solve this. We are a local government agency (small and independent) and are unfortunately (in this case) bound to host our site with a local company. I have created a PHPinfo file so you can view our server configuration:


I am not a specialist at web development; however, I do what I can. What does our server lack etc? Thanks.