Anyone with issues installing
I have a few C5 sites and never ran across this before. I have uploaded the C5 files to my folder on my host. I browse to the domain and get the normal test page with all good results (green checks). I click on Continue to installation. The problem lies when the next screen comes where I enter my server and database details.
The screen is lacking the CSS and images for the page and doesn't let me install. It's looking in /myfolder/concrete/images/someimagefile.png which is correct and the images do reside in the folder.
I am not sure what else could be the issue. Any ideas?
The screen is lacking the CSS and images for the page and doesn't let me install. It's looking in /myfolder/concrete/images/someimagefile.png which is correct and the images do reside in the folder.
I am not sure what else could be the issue. Any ideas?
Does anyone have any suggestions? Just tried installing 5.6.2 RC 1 on a completely different domain and it's doing the same thing.
Is this a GoDaddy host perchance?
LOL. Yes it is.
I really wish I could get this figured out. I am having C5 withdrawals. Apparently it is something that Godaddy did recently as I used to have about 5 C5 sites installed and none of them work anymore.
From what I've seen in the forums about godaddy and all their broken sites I feel the effort may not be worth just not simply switching providers and migrating the sites. If godaddy wanted peoples business, they would make things work. I switched from them to bluehost on a whim about 2 months before all the problems started and I'm glad i did. Haven't had a single issue with bluehost!!
The requested URL /folder/folder/index.php/install/-/configure/ was not found on this server.
Instead of /folder/index.php/install/-/configure/