Automate Instalation

I am creating a multi site environment that has a sign-up form to create a new site. We have most of the pieces together except for the automation of the install portion where the admin user is created and database info is asked for. Is there a way to automate this whole process i.e. feed a script the necessary info and have the script create the site ? The Softaculous AMPPS software installer does exactly what I want to do, how are they doing it ?


Warren Bell

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
If you are on 5.6 you can use a script like the following:

on 5.7 it has a console command built in to do installation.

warish replied on at Permalink Reply
I am on 5.7. What is a console command and where can I find out more about it.
warish replied on at Permalink Reply
I assume there is some install script somewhere I can call from the command line (command console ?) and feed all the info too it ?
warish replied on at Permalink Reply
Where is that commend and how do I use it ?
warish replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like you can run some of the concrete 5 code from the command line. In the controllers/install.php configure function there is this:

if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {

Where would be the entry point script ? Also, if I have to write my own entry point script, how do I set up the environment so that i can call functions like Install::configure ?