basic forum
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Does someone have the basic forum active on a website that I could look at to see how it functions? Thanks.
Nobody is using the basic forum??
It's free. You could install it and see how it functions first hand.
My web person has tried that. It seems that all the pages go under the home page, not the forum page, and there are a few other glitches as well with it. I was hoping to see it working on someone else's forum or talk to someone who uses it to see if it is the software that does this or something else that is causing this problem on my website. I'm not much of a computer person to figure it out...
Its working smoothly. I pmd a link to a video on how to set it up and the issue your specifically having. To assign where the new forum topic pages are created click on Basic Forum which will now be added to your dash, in there is one setting on which page you would like new topics to be created under, set this page to something other than home.
can you please send me the link to that video too? I can not figure out where I can do that setting in the BasicForum settings.
what do you mean by "dash"?
what do you mean by "dash"?
Hey I'm having a problem. The forum returned this when I tried to install:
mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'basic_forum_submit' for key 'btHandle'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO BlockTypes(btID,btHandle,btName,btDescription,btActiveWhenAdded,btCopyWhenPropagate,btIncludeAll,btIsInternal,btDisplayOrder,btInterfaceWidth,btInterfaceHeight,pkgID) VALUES (NULL,'basic_forum_submit','New Forum Topic','Provides a form for forum submissions.',1,0,1,0,25,'300','260','10')")
I tried to install jacks forum manually before using the package install, so I think the basic_forum_submit.php is the root of the problem, but if I remove the one I installed manually... I can no longer add blocks to pages!
mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'basic_forum_submit' for key 'btHandle'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO BlockTypes(btID,btHandle,btName,btDescription,btActiveWhenAdded,btCopyWhenPropagate,btIncludeAll,btIsInternal,btDisplayOrder,btInterfaceWidth,btInterfaceHeight,pkgID) VALUES (NULL,'basic_forum_submit','New Forum Topic','Provides a form for forum submissions.',1,0,1,0,25,'300','260','10')")
I tried to install jacks forum manually before using the package install, so I think the basic_forum_submit.php is the root of the problem, but if I remove the one I installed manually... I can no longer add blocks to pages!
Hi All
I've got this working but the one thing I want to do is this...
I don't want the user to have to login to when they want to post something a question. Captcha is fine, but I don't want them logging in...
I'm going to check through the code to see if I can find where it is
but if anyone knows off hand, it'd be greatly appreciated...
I've got this working but the one thing I want to do is this...
I don't want the user to have to login to when they want to post something a question. Captcha is fine, but I don't want them logging in...
I'm going to check through the code to see if I can find where it is
but if anyone knows off hand, it'd be greatly appreciated...