Blank Site after Upgrade

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I recently used a SimpleScripts upgrade process on my BlueHost account to upgrade my Concrete5 site to Now the site displays only a blank page. I cannot see any errors, nor my dashboard.

Any troubleshooting ideas? I've looked through several threads on the forums now and haven't seen anything that might help.


xerocube replied on at Permalink Reply
I have found more information in the error_log file in the root directory of my installation.

The error states:

[25-Sep-2012 07:05:42] PHP Warning: require_once(/home1/source/public_html/site/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmLawed.php) [<a href='function.require-once'>function.require-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/source/public_html/site/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 30
[25-Sep-2012 07:05:42] PHP Fatal error: require_once() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required '/home1/source/public_html/site/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmLawed.php' (include_path='/home1/patelive/public_html/ilikepi/libraries/3rdparty:/home1/source/public_html/ilikepi/concrete/libraries/3rdparty:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home1/source/public_html/site/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 30
[25-Sep-2012 07:05:43] PHP Warning: require_once(/home1/source/public_html/site/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmLawed.php) [<a href='function.require-once'>function.require-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/source/public_html/site/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 30

I am not certain what this htmLawed.php file is nor if it is associated with a plugin. I tried creating a blank htmLawed.php file just to see what happens, and I received some more fatal errors.

Any ideas?
xerocube replied on at Permalink Reply
I finally fixed it.

My SimpleScripts BlueHost job didn't finish the upgrade. I have to visit this page: to manually complete the process.

Thanks to the following sites for the information:
NDArichard replied on at Permalink Reply

I have the same problem. I tried to access this link (replacing my domain):
However, I still receive the same error where is it is "No such file or directory in /domain/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 30
I reviewed the references listed but there is nothing more recommended besides going to the link and running the script.

Thanks in advance for you help.
julehti replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the very same situation: blank screen after update.

I had a working, nice test site including several pages and some Add-Ons running on Then I installed update through Dashboard.

After the update I got completely blank pages, no ordinary pages, no Dashboard. I haven't enabled error_log, so I can't see, what had happened

So I opened congif/site.php and revert this line to correspond the previous working c5 version:
<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.5.2.1');?>

But after that I can't see my pages nor the Dashboard (web page sources are also empty). On the main page and all other pages including Dasboard I get this message:

Fatal error: Class 'CollectionAttributeKey' not found in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 103

My host has never had difficulties with other C5 sites, PHP and MySQL work like charm.

I tried also to download the newest 5.6.1 update and changing the config/site.php corresponding, but got only a blank pages

As far as I undestand, there seems not be any hint about when I looked my test site's database using PHPMyAdmin.

Is there something to do? I could also build the whole site from the scratch, which I would be very laborous.
julehti replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem solved!

For some odd reason in the folder /updates/concrete5.5.2.1/concrete/models/attribute/categories were no files. I compared to another concrete5 installation and found files file.php, user.php and collection.php in this directory. After copying these files into this folder in the blank site it came alive.

I have no clue, why update did this kind of misinstallation. There were no notifications about errors. Maybe the host has some file problem just during the update.

Now I'll take again proper backups and try to update a newer 5.6.1.
jpatten replied on at Permalink Reply
Doing the auto upgrade on Bluehost got me 4 sites that no longer come up. I am getting the same error on each

Warning: require_once(/home2/(MY MAIN SITE)/public_html/(MYSITE)/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmLawed.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/(MY MAIN SITE)/public_html/(MYSITE)/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 30

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home2/(MY MAIN SITE)/public_html/jpatten/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmLawed.php' (include_path='/home2/(MY MAIN SITE)/public_html/(MYSITE)/libraries/3rdparty:/home2/(MY MAIN SITE)/public_html/(MYSITE)/concrete/libraries/3rdparty:.:/usr/lib64/php:/usr/lib/php:/usr/share/pear') in /home2/(MY MAIN SITE)/public_html/(MYSITE)/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 30

I have nothing in the /update/ folder
and from what I can tell all the php files match with sother c5 builds that are working.
help is greatly appreciated!