C5 Database Re-install

Here's a once-in-a-lifetime question (-:

I had a c5 install on a localhost Apache2 server on a Linux environment. (Got to love that vim!) Then, I updated to the most recent Linux release (Natty 11.04) and they had an installation issue that blew out all of my package installs (Apache2). I've recovered and have all of my Concrete5 directories so I'm good to go. Except that navigating to the local site only brings up a blank page. No databases are being rebuilt, which is sort of obvious. I mean, it's like sinking the Titanic and now trying to drive it back up to the surface - right? But, I'm wondering, why not? Why won't the c5 engine which built the databases in the first place recognise they need to be rebuilt again? And just do it. (-:

Before I do the obvious (reinstall), I'm wondering if there is something I can do to make it rebuild the databases from the C5 directories I have in place. ???

See, it is a one-off question, isn't it?

jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
You would have to write a script to read through your structure and to have such a database again. I have attached the C5's install SQL files. schema.sql, and no_sample_content.sql, use these to get the core back.

I do have a script that read's through directories and adds them as pages. I used it for a import application.

- Josh
Ricalsin replied on at Permalink Reply
Josh, Thanks for these files. Very nice of you.

I get stuck on the login to the C5 site. Obviously, the c5 site uses encrypting when storing the upassword. That means I cannot replicate it by going through phpmyadmin. I'm not sure there is a solution to this. I will certainly hang onto your files as they most likely will come in handy one day.

Please comment on the uPassword if you have a solution (though I know I am in a unique condition and don't expect a solution).

If you are willing to share the script you mentioned I would very much appreciate it. Though maybe not useful to me now, I would find it interesting to read and understand what it does...

Thanks again,


EDIT: Here's a great link for solving the password issue:http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/usage/local_install_lost_...
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
where password is the password you want and salt is the salt in the site.php