C5 Install issue cannot parse PATH_INFO

Concrete5 Install problem

I have a dedicated server through GoDaddy.
Linux CentOS 5
Apache 2.2.21
PHP 5.3.8

I installed C5 on one of the domains via FileZilla ftp

The set up test page shows the error “concrete5 cannot parse PATH_INFO or ORG_PATH_INFO information provided by your server”

I’ve read through (maybe all) C5 forums on this problem
and I’ve read the GoDaddy How To’s for installing Concrete5

As per both … I’ve added the php5.ini file (with “cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1” in it)
I’ve tried putting it in different places.

Nothing has worked. The C5 test page on the site/domain still shows the error.

Any suggestions?


Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
searchring replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the link suggestion.

Tried changing the .htaccess file to no avail

Any other suggestions?