C5 Install issue cannot parse PATH_INFO

2nd posting for this. Sorry. C5 forum posting stuck and didn't show completion. And don't see how to delete.

Concrete5 Install problem

I have a dedicated (not managed) server through GoDaddy.
Linux CentOS 5
Apache 2.2.21
PHP 5.3.8

I installed C5 on one of the domains via FileZilla ftp

The set up test page shows the error “concrete5 cannot parse PATH_INFO or ORG_PATH_INFO information provided by your server”

I’ve read through (maybe all) C5 forums on this problem
and I’ve read the GoDaddy How To’s for installing Concrete5

As per both … I’ve added the php5.ini file (with “cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1” in it)
I’ve tried putting it in different places.

Nothing has worked. The C5 test page on the site/domain still shows the error.

Any suggestions?


goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
Bill, I found this thread with the same error and I think they found a solution for ithttp://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/installation/concrete-can...
searchring replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestion. I saw that forum posting days ago but didn't try the fix. I just tried it and ... no change. It did not work for me.

Would it help if I went back and tried to install an earlier version?