c5hosting - How do I find my cname or ip address


A different server is going to be handling the domain name of my concrete5 site. They are requesting the cname or IP address of my site. I have the 15 plan so I assume it's a shared IP.

The reason I need to do this is because they can't change where they are pointing the DNS or it will mess up their mail servers.

Thanks in advance.

frz replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
this should be a question through your support interface for hosting. It depends on which machine we put you on.
adambech replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks for the reply. For some reason I can't get or find access to the ticket system. I attached a screenshot of what I see when I click help.

Also, when I click "Get Help" nothing happens.

My client is paying for the hosting so the site isn't connected to the community. Does that matter?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
You don't need to connect to the community.

You can get support for your site hosted with us through the same UI it was purchased:
