Cached pages not displaying correct theme - v5.6.1

With full page caching on, any page that is first accessed on a desktop will display the cached desktop theme to mobile devices while any page that is first accessed on a mobile device will display the cached mobile theme on the desktop.

I am running Concrete5.6.1 using the built-in cache.

Current cache settings:
Block Cache: On
Overrides Cache: On
Full Page Caching: On - If blocks on the particular page allow it.
Expire Pages from Cache: Only when manually removed or the cache is cleared.

Obviously, I have a mobile theme defined in Dashboard > Pages > Themes.

Removing the full page caching seems to fix the problem, but causes the page load time to triple. Any idea on how I can force the correct theme to load while keeping the full page caching on?

abberdab replied on at Permalink Reply
Has this been fixed? I'm interested in taking advantage of this feature, but am concerned about this caching bug. I have a site that really needs to have content reordered and such for mobile and just making the current theme responsive will not cut it!