Calendar Installation Issue

I have purchased and downloaded the calendar block, unzipped it and copied the unzipped folder to my packages directory, but am unable to install the calendar from the Add Functionality page. The following text shows at the top of the Add Functionality page (also see attached image):

assignCollectionAttribute($cab1); $eve->assignCollectionAttribute($cab2); $eve->assignCollectionAttribute($cab3); //$eve->assignCollectionAttribute($cab4); // install block BlockType::installBlockTypeFromPackage('calendar', $pkg); // add aliased blocks to the calendar page $mc1 = CollectionType::getByHandle('left_sidebar'); if (is_object($mc1) && is_object($evc)) { $dm = $mc1->getMasterTemplate(); $blocks = $dm->getBlocks(); $dm2 = $evc->getMasterTemplate(); // alias these blocks to the new event calendar page foreach($blocks as $b) { $b->alias($dm2); } } // add aliased blocks to the calendar event page $mc1 = CollectionType::getByHandle('full'); if (is_object($mc1) && is_object($eve)) { $dm = $mc1->getMasterTemplate(); $blocks = $dm->getBlocks(); $dm2 = $eve->getMasterTemplate(); // alias these blocks to the new event calendar page foreach($blocks as $b) { $b->alias($dm2); } } // Now let's add a calendar page type beneath the root. $home = Page::getByID(HOME_CID); $data = array(); $data['name'] = t('Sample Calendar'); $sampleCalendar = $home->add($evc, $data); // Now let's add our calendar block to our calendar page type $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('calendar'); $args['calendarCIDs'][] = $sampleCalendar->getCollectionID(); $args['mode'] = 'MONTH'; $sampleCalendar->addBlock($bt, "Main", $args); } } ?>

All other free and purchased blocks/add-ons have been successfully installed. I have tried several different servers, all with the same results. Any help would be appreciated. Windows setup with Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2.8. Thanks.

1 Attachment

czachman replied on at Permalink Reply
What are the system requirements for the calendar? Is there a component I am missing?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
Your software versions look good, I see you're using 5.3.1 from your screenshot. The calendar block certainly works on that.

It's strange that it's printing out the contents of the install controller and not a php error.

Can you try and download the file again, and possibly use a different unzip program to unzip?

I removed the <?php from the top of my packages/calendar/controller.php file and got a similar result, so I'm expecting that that file in your download is somehow corrupted.
czachman replied on at Permalink Reply
The calendar download appeared to not be working yesterday, but I tried it again today. So far so good. All appears to be working. Thanks for your help.