Can I reinstall C5 without losing licenses?
OK, I committed a cardinal sin and let the future owner of a site have access to the backend before the site was finished and she went kinda nuts, deleting the entire global scrapbook, among other things. I'm pretty sure it will be faster for me to rebuild the site from scratch, working from backups, than it will be to try and figure out how to clean up the mess she made.
My only question is if the commercial modules will be there ready to download and install if I do a complete reinstall.
My only question is if the commercial modules will be there ready to download and install if I do a complete reinstall.
OK, I've got it to where all I need to do is replace the content:my_site_name block inside the global scrapbook. Is there a less drastic way to do that?
How do you mean by less drastic? Changing it in the scrapbook, will change it across the board.
- Josh
- Josh
it's to be verified, i'd never have this case.