Cannot access editor or dashboard

Whenever I login to my website to edit a page or to go to the dashboard the first thing I see is the checking for update prompt and it does not go away, at first I thought it was because I was using cloudflare but after I completly disabled cloudflare concrete5 still fails to properly load it just keeps showing the loading screen constantly.

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Ekko replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Add this to your site.php file located at

define('ENABLE_APP_NEWS', false);

It will remove the newsflow entirely though, and isn't exactly what your looking for, but will get you around it.

You can just add it at the end of whats already in site.php
grimedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you,
It works now.
dlntx9 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm actually having the same issue. No cloudflare on my account, but as soon as i login I see the checking for updates prompt and it just keeps spinning and spinning. Did you ever figure out what the issue was?
grimedia replied on at Permalink Reply
The post above from Ekko tells you how to solve this issue