Can't install Concrete5 (no error)


I'm trying to install Concrete5 on my web server, bút after many attempts I stll won't get it to work. :(

I've filled in my Site, Database en Admin information (correctly, I think..), but I still get this everytime;

I'd figure that íf I filled in some information wrong, I'd get an error which says that? But this is showing absolutely nothing, so I still don't know what I'm doing wrong!

i hope somebody can help me :)


jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you access the server logs to see if you get any errors?
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Need to find out if your hosting environment (server) has all of the necessary dependencies.
And like jordif said, access to the error logs. On apache2, they are usually in /var/log/apache2/error.log (or sitename-error.log if custom error log is set up for virtual host in config).