Changing URL

Hi all! New guy here, installed concrete5 today and downloaded my first theme. I have to make an eshop for my thesis, on localhost only so i installed concrete5 in xampp, but i think i made a mistake in the beginning.
See, in early steps of installation there was a box saying: set main canonical URL, which i stupidly left at default, localhost/concrete5, is it possible now to name it after my eshop?So at least when i go to the site it says localhost/name_of_the_site instead of concrete5?
Probably a stupid question, but my concrete5 knowledge is only a couple of hours long!

Also any tips on how to make a drop down menu?You know the classic hovering mouse on a menu and seeing few options. My theme already has few(so ill probably just change the menu name to eshop stuff name), but i want to make more.

Thanks in advance, sorry for my lack of knowledge

CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply

Just read this please:

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You can change your canonical URL through the Dashboard -> System & Settings -> URLs and Redirection

As for making a dropdown menu, there are several in the marketplace you can download.
Shirohige replied on at Permalink Reply
so i just name the canonical URL localhost/Infomania ??
Also thanks, didnt realize i can just download something like this