Class '\Application\Block\SearchByTagBlockMaster\Controller' not found


I'm trying to install this block ( I uploaded it in the application/blocks/ folder and when I go to blocks page in the dashboard I get this error: Class '\Application\Block\SearchByTagBlockMaster\Controller' not found.

How can I fix this error? I can't see anything wrong in the controller file of the block.


- JaPPa

jakobfuchs replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to rename the folder that contains the block to "search_by_tags".

The namespace of the controller is Application\Block\SearchByTags, so to get the correct folder name you need to take the last part of the namespace which is SearchByTags and seperate the words with the _ character and change them to all lowercase letters.
JaPPa replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you that worked! But the add-on doesn't really work how I want it to work.

Is there a way to make this add-on -> working on 5.7? I'm not used to PHP so its a big mystery for me.


- JaPPa