Class 'ZipArchive' not found when downloading packages
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using ver 8.1, I get "Class 'ZipArchive' not found" when downloading packages or updates

Your server doesn't have the PHP ZipArchive library installed.
Is this local on your development or on a live server (with/without your control of installing things)? Like Hutman says, it's likely your ZipArchive library is either missing or disabled.
the software was installed by a script on a GoDaddy hosting plan. I don't think I can fix server issues. I found that I can download from the community and then upload the packages via FTP
@IJS, does your GoDaddy hosting give you CPanel access? If so, you can select additional php libraries from there.
Yes, I found a panel called PHP extensions. I ticked off the box called "Zip" and now it works. Thanks for helping out a newbie
No problem. You did well to follow those very vague instructions!