Concrete update errors

Hi I think I may have caused this problem but hopefully there is a way around it.

I was working on concrete and was having issues with the spell checker so I decided to upgrade to but when I went to the upgrade tab, concrete was saying I already had the latest version. Anyways what I did (which in heinsite was not a good idea) was download the latest version and install it. i then imported my database from the previous version and moved my packages,themes and files into the updated concrete5.

Site works well except for the following.

1. When I include the buttons for the sitemap and file manager in the header, the icon does not appear and they do not open up properly. - see attached pics.

2. In my attributes section when I create a new attribute there isn't a drop down to select which set to assign to the attribute.

I just figured out today how to do manual update and I tried that with my version that I backed up. The above errors do not occur. The problem is there have been a ton of updates to the new version and when i link it to the new database, the errors appear again, so there is a problem with the current database.

How do I get those updates to appear in the working version without having to redo everything?

2 Attachments

foiseworth replied on at Permalink Reply
Possibly by copying, from the buggy database to the clean database, only tables which have changed due to edits to the site?

So possibly block and page tables (which would be a fair few) - I am no db expert though! And you would also need file tables... and whatever stores the scrapbook. Users tables as well if any have been created...

Does anyone have a graphical C5 DB schema with relationships?

Just had a look at the images - could you use Firebug to see the button images are not being loaded? Are they not found or not referenced? Do you have a page URL?
agentorange replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I thought of updating the pages tables in the database but I dont know exactly how to get it done without breaking things.

I have firebug but I cant see what the problem is with it, I just don't know enough about php to figure it out.

Do you want me send you a url with access to the dashboard?
agentorange replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is the code that appears for the sitemap button, I used firebug to get this.... anything out of the ordinary?

<a id="ccm-page-edit-nav-sitemap" dialog-modal="false" dialog-height="70%" dialog-width="90%" dialog-on-open="$('#ccm-page-edit-nav-sitemap').removeClass('ccm-nav-loading')" href="/concrete/index.php/tools/required/sitemap_search_selector?callback=ccm_goToSitemapNode&sitemap_select_mode=select_page" dialog-title="Navigate to Page">Sitemap</a>
GavMurphy replied on at Permalink Reply
I have a pristine install of C5 on my local host and when I enable the SiteMap button in the header when editing it fails too.
bcbounders replied on at Permalink Reply
Ditto. My Sitemap button has no image/icon... and when I click it, the page gets overwritten with a completely un-styled page that displays the sitemap (as an unstyled bullet list), but is otherwise useless.

Same for if I include the File Manager button in the toolbar.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
I had this a couple of times when updating from

When the update occured it seems they now do some clever bits in the header the old method was to include the image and link it to a dialogue call(I think, thats how it appeared?)

Now they seem to have some function which is based on some sort of session check?, If I leave me logged in site open for to long it reverts to looking like this.

New installs all seem to be ok for me.

To fix the error when I was getting it I adjusted my files to refer to the pre- 4.2 update version of showing the icons.

In the config file make sure your update is using the latest version that you have
for me this is
<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.4.2.2');?>

But for me the sitemap and file-manager work when I login and only break when I leave it alone for 15 minutes.